Track Your Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Dex on PokédexTracker!

After exploring Paldea, keep track of your Scarlet and Violet Living Dex on PokédexTracker! Keep reading to learn a bit more about this update.
Scarlet and Violet Support
- Support for the entire regional dex from Scarlet and Violet as been added! We've opted to use pixel-style sprites to stay consistent with the current look and feel of the app. In addition, these sprites were the easiest for us to acquire (thanks for pointing us in the right direction, msikma/pokesprite!) given that the new in-game sprites don't support shinies by default. With this decision, we can easily support shiny sprites for your shiny dexes as well! ✨
- While they don't technically count towards your in-game regional dex, we have included currently attainable non-Paldean forms and their evolutions in the tracker as well (for all the completionists out there!).
- When HOME support is announced, we will update our current HOME National Dex with the latest Paldean Pokémon as well. For now, those dexes will remain untouched. Because there are no official National Dex IDs for the new Paldean Pokémon, this makes it difficult for us to update our HOME dexes preemtively.
Support us on Patreon
Thank you to all our patrons who have donated to us on Patreon! If you're interested in showing your support financially, Patreon is an amazing place to do so. Donations are completely optional, but they do help us continue to consistently develop on PokédexTracker over time.
As always, feel free to check out our issues list on GitHub, or tweet us or email us at about what features or improvements we should work on next. Happy tracking!