Let's Go, Pikachu & Let's Go, Eevee Support!

Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee are exciting new ways for Pokémon fans old and new to enjoy our favorite game. We are delighted to launch support for tracking a Living Dex on these new games on PokédexTracker!
There were quite a few changes we had to put in place to support the desired functionality for the new games. The highlights are:
- Add new Pokédex information including all new capture information
- Support Switch Friend Codes in addition to 3DS Friend Codes
- Update our spritesheet to support Meltan and Melmetal
Switch and 3DS Friend Codes

Each account now has support to store two friend codes: one for the 3DS and one for the Switch. Both these friend codes can be added and edited in your Account Settings, and will show up on your dexes when you share with friends! All existing old Friend Codes have been ported as 3DS Friend Codes.
Gen 6 Regional Dexes
As an added benefit to this updated, we've also now added official support for Regional Generation 6 Dexes! Previously for those games (X&Y and ORAS), we had only been supporting National Dexes. In the future, we hope to add both Regional and National support for all old Pokémon games!
We Appreciate Your Continued Support
Thanks again to our generous supporters who have taken the time out to donate to our development team. For those who haven't donated before and are interested in helping support us, you can easily send us a donation directly on the site. Every dollar helps to keep the site running smoothly and to help us continue to add new features!
As always, feel free to check out our issues list on GitHub, or tweet us/email us about what features or improvements we should work on next. Happy tracking!